Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sick Red Poll

This morning one lone redpoll sat for some time on the feeder, its feathers rumpled up. I am not sure whether it is moulting or not but it was puffed up compared to other redpolls. It seems as if its wing was tucked under one wing. Perhaps it was taking a brief nap. Anyway Sonia, my wife, thought it was very ill and convinced to go out and try to retrieve it and bring it into the house. Of course the bird was long gone by the time I dressed and reached the feeder. Oh well I got my one outing for the day with a windhcill of about minus 35 when I ventured forth.
There are just the regulars of far today: red polls, house sparrows, and a few chickadees. Red Polls outnumber sparrows.

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