Monday, August 31, 2009

Pine siskin and chickadee

This is a photo of a pine siskin and a chickadee both sharing the feeder platform. The chickadee wll not be there long. They tend to dart in and out again quickly.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Brewer blackbirds gathering again..

These are all three of the photos I managed to get of a flock of Brewer blackbirds that seem to be gathering prior to heading south. One shows our monkshood flowers as well! I have noticed red-wing blackbirds beginning to form flocks as well. The males and females of that species travel in separate flocks. There is less dissension about which way to fly when the sexes fly each in their own flocks I imagine!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Another black capped chickadee

There are quite a few black capped chickadees visiting nowadays. They usually just grab a seed and fly off but I managed to snap this one before he was gone!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Brewer blackbirds gathering to go south?

These are just a few of the Brewer blackbirds that have been around the last couple of days. They seem to be gathering now in large flocks. I believe this happens before they start south for the winter. It seems a bit early since there are still ten days left in August.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fuzzy Nuthatch through a rainy window..

The red-breasted nuthatch shown here rarely visits the feeder but usually is seen upside down on the spruce tree trunks. This might be a younger one as the reddish colour is not visible. This is the first nuthatch I have seen in some time but they are usually here in the late fall and even over the winter..Even when they do visit the feeder the nuthatches leave quite quickly. I usually miss them when I try to take a photo.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another male hummingbird

I was right close to the window when this male ruby throat landed and he posed while I took a quick photo. There are quite a few around these days but I imagine come late August and early September there will be more before they all leave.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Evening Grosbeaks continue to vist..

Here are two more photos of evening grosbeaks at my decrepit feeder. Maybe next year I will invest in a new one! Usually I have only seen one or two grosbeaks for a day or two at most and then they disappear but this year they seem to in the vicinity for over two weeks now, often feeding in the morning when I first get up.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Two photos of goldfinches

American goldfinches are regular visitors to the bird feeder these days. As well as sunflower seeds I have a mix of grains including canola seed and I always put a handful or two of that with the sunflower seeds. The goldfinches seem to enjoy canola seed.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Evening Grosbeaks..

For about a week now I have had visits from Evening Grosbeaks. At one time there were about three or four together and I was able to take photos of more than one at a time. Here are a couple from the other day. It looks as if they might be male and female.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Male and Female Hummingbirds

The top photo is of a female that seems to be bloated with eggs. I am a bit surprised as I thought that the young would already be hatched. There are plenty of young sparrows about and even some Brewer blackbird kids. The male is a bit fuzzy but may he is the dad!