Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Poor navigation

The weather is very cold today with high wind chills again. Tonight there are flurries. There was a bit more activity at the feeder today. There were quite a few chickadees darting back and forth. I also saw several red polls but not in a flock by any means. There was one lone pine grosbeak early on, a female. She was fat and fluffy and all by herself. Later just before dark a grosbeak banged against the window. Fortunately it hit sideways. It dropped to the ground but was up and tried to fly off immediately but fell on the snow and made a grosbeak snow angel before righting itself and flying off for good.
We drove out of town today. I saw the usual ravens near the village dump and one flock of redpolls further down the road. On the way home I saw my first pigeon in some time looking for some way to enter a steel grain bin it seemed. Maybe it wanted in to get warm. Here is a photo of the rock dove or common pigeon.

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