Friday, July 31, 2009

More Hummingbirds visit..

Here are two photos of ruby throated hummingbirds feeding at our new feeder. The new feeder works well. I must store it somewhere I can find it in the spring! I always seem to misplace feeders so that I need to buy a new one or combine parts from older feeders I find lying around.
For a month or so there were few hummingbirds about but they seem to be returning now. In the fall there are always quite a few before they leave for the south.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mourning Doves in Napinka..

We visited with friends in Napinka near Melita on Saturday. While enjoying the lovely weather in the yard we were entertained by the chattering of swallows but also the mournful sound of these appropriately named doves.
Other years I have seen quite a few of these sitting on the wires outside of Oakburn but this year I have seen almost none. They seem to be scarcer now but in Napinka they are right in the town and every time I have visited I have seen or heard one.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Purple finches appear again

There have been several purple finches visiting the feeder lately after an absence for quite a while. House sparrows predominate these days though and they are using up the sunflower seeds at an alarming rate!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pelicans at Patterson Lake

I just went to Olha to buy sunflower seeds for the feeder. On the way I noticed several pelicans at Patterson Lake. The lake is stocked with trout and the pelicans are notorious for feeding off the trout before the fisherman get a chance at them!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Two magpies visit briefly..

The magpies did not bother to stop but simply journeyed across the lawn. There seem to be no crows these days. There is one person in the village designated to shoot crows so perhaps some have been shot and the others moved into the countryside. Too bad, I enjoy feeding them and watching them. It always distresses me that many people detest crows. Even magpies are disliked by many in spite of their beauty and intelligence. Maybe the people who dislike them are jealous but since I am intelligent and beautiful I have no trouble appreciating their virtues!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Missing hummingbird

This is a good photo of my new hummingbird feeder even though the humming bird who was visiting is already gone. I am not as fast taking photos as the humming bird was feeding and then taking off. There is always a next time!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Robin appreciates Schubert.

I was playing Schubert's trio op 99 on the CD player when a robin came to a branch of the spruce tree by the open window. He sang for some time before moving on only to be replaced by several house sparrows. Fortunately, the latter just listened.