Friday, January 12, 2007

A Cold Morning

Last night the house was making cracking and groaning noises complaining about the cold. It is minus thirty six at 9 AM. Fortunately, the wind is absolutely calm so it actually feels warmer than last evening when the windchill was at minus 41.
The only birds I saw at the feeder were house sparrows and red polls. I guess the chickadees decided to sleep in. The birds seem to have filled up the last few days in preparation for the cold weather.
Here in Manitoba the cold is often accompanied by a great deal of sunshine. To look out over the snow it seems like a beautiful day for a walk. However, if there is any sort of wind it is not pleasant at all unless you are very well insulated. When I have my hood all well fastened I find that my breath manages to fog up my glasses so I can't enjoy the scenery.
Birds seem to do fine just with their feathers. It seems that some of the birds at the feeder must be moulting. I can see loose feathers sticking out.

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