We went to Regina for the Canada Day weekend but came back this evening (Sunday). I thought of taking the baby crow in our yard. But the parents seemed to be taking care of it again so I left it. On our return it was not to be found. It is either gone to a better hiding place or gone in some cat's belly! I doubt it could have survived long enough to be able to fly. I should have taken some pics of it.
On the trip we did not see many new birds. I did see several killdeers along the roadside. At Wascana Lake there were plenty of Canada geese and ducklings mostly mallards. On the way home I saw my first yellow-headed blackbird of the year just east of Regina. I haven't seen a single one near Oakburn.
The feeder was empty when we arrived back. The seed was mostly just dumped on the ground. Some birds just love to scratch it out particularly the young house sparrows. We still have plenty of pine siskins about, chippings sparrows and many house sparrows the last while.
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