We went for a picnic with a friend and his family at Duck Mountain provincial park. Of course nothing is free any more. It requires a 25 dollar sticker even to go into a provincial park now, but at least it is good for a year. They also are portable now so that you can move it from one vehicle to another. It simply hangs on your inside mirror.
There were a few blackbirds, various ducks, and many crows along the way. I also saw for the first time this year several mourning doves along the roadway. There were one or two magpies as well.
At the park there were some tree swallows but there were few birds in the coniferous forest that I saw. On Child's lake however we saw our first loon of the season. The children went down to the beach towards it. Of course it dived and emerged far from shore and ultimately disappeared from view.
There were a few herring gulls waiting for picnickers to leave morsels for them.
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