We drove almost 200 kilometers into the countryside yesterday. There were quite a few birds to be seen along away. Crows are now quite numerous but usely in singles or pairs. We also saw a large flock of snow geese in a field at one point. At another point there were three magpies together.
At one point a meadowlark(photo) was clearly visible at the side of the highway.
I drove with my farmer friend to Roblin Manitoba. At several farmsites we visited there were oodles of slate-coloured juncos. At Roblin there were geese in the open spots on the local lake.
At our own feeder the juncos are numerous along with quite a few red polls and house sparrows. The three species seem to tolerate each other reasonably well. I have seen the area under the feeder crowded with juncos with one lone house sparrow or another time a single red poll. The outsider was treated no differently than other members of the same species.