Our low cost sunflower seed supplier ran out between this morning and this afternoon when my wife went to pick up a sack. I ended up paying 18.00 for a sack at a hardware store. It seems the prices of sunflowers are rising. I didn't notice so many fields planted this year, perhaps because of high prices for other grains.
Anyway the birds were happy to start wasting seeds as fast as they could again. Some of my friends just give up and quite feeding when the sparrows start to make runs on their feeders! Actually I have a soft spot for house sparrows. At least they stay with us all winter. Usually there will be a few sparrows around when there is no other bird to be seen.
Right now though there is still a fairly good representation. Not all the goldfinches are gone yet (photo). There are plenty of savannah sparrows, pine siskins and purple finches. The last few days red breasted nuthatches are frequent visitors as well.